PROCAB-avit - PROMO6H-PAC251 - Sample pack PAC251
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9,20 € 9.200000000000001 EUR 9,20 € TVA comprise

9,20 € TVA comprise

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1 meter sample pack of the PAC251. The PAC251 is a hybrid power/audio cable which consists of 3 x 2,5mm² power section and a 2 x 0.22mm² 110 Ohm signal pair, this makes it ideal for rental applications. The signal pair can be used for analog audio, digital audio or DMX. The power and signal cable each have a separate jacket which makes it easy to split out the cables at the end.


Product Features:

  • Application: AV & IT
  • Application: Rental & MI
  • Series: Bulk & Accessories


Brand: PROCAB-avit

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